Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday America (Belated)

What a weekend. We spent a lot of time in the pool and with each other. Our neighborhood had a parade in the morning with a fire Engine and a Harris County Constable to lead us down the street to the clubhouse. The kids decorated their bikes and scooters and they all thought that was pretty cool! The Engine blared the siren the whole way. Afterwards they hooked the engine up to a hydrant and sprayed the children, and some adults too.

We've had my neice and nephew from Utah staying with us during the summer and they all had fun getting sprayed by the firehose and running around at the park. This is all the kids, minus Parker, before they turned on the hose.
This is them getting drenched... Doesn't it look fun?!?!?
And this is them after, they were all soaked to the bone, but they had fun. The nice firemen thought it would be funny to turn the hose on the group of parents standing just out of the way of the spray. I have never seen so many middle aged people run so fast. It looked like the start of the Boston Marathon.
We had a BBQ that evening and went into Tomball City to watch the fireworks in the Parking lot. All in all it was a nice relaxing holiday.

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