Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I can't believe my baby is one today, we celebrated his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese with his two brothers, cousins, grandma and friends, he loved it! He got to have pizza, pasta and cake, he went on the rides and he laughed and smiled and walked around everywhere. He loved the music and the big Chuck E. Cheese on stage. We would walk over to Chuck E. and stand and watch him dance and sing, it was so cute. His best friend, Macy, who is 6 mo. older then him, but is smaller then him. They play together and see each other all the time. Her older two brothers are the same age as Parker's older brothers so we do get together a lot. Parker really enjoyed his fun day, and the presents that he got from everybody.

I do believe that Parker's favorite part of the whole day was getting to eat the birthday cake with no limitations. I sat the cake in front of him and he dug in with smiles and giggles. He couldn't get enough of the frosting. I have given all three of my boys there own cake when they turned one, Its been fun to see how each one reacts to their cake.

Singing Happy Birthday to Parker

Parker has made a lot of changes since the first day we brought him home from the hospital. Some of Parker's recent milestones are:

1. Playing Peek-a-Boo, he loves to put clothes, blankets or anything else on his head and take them off and laugh.
2. Throwing anything and everything in the garbage. He threw away the boys Leap Frog alphabet refrigerator magnet. I didn't realize it until Tuesday night, and the garbage man came that Tuesday morning, so we ain't getting that back.
3. Walking every where.
4. He has finally got rid of his ear infection that lasted almost 2 months. He had to go and get tubes put in his ears and get his adenoids taken out last week. I was so sad that he had have surgery at a young age. I know it could have be a lot worse.
5. Climbing up and down the stairs.
6. Playing with his toys. He will collects small toys and put them back and forth into containers.
7. He learned how to play catch, he likes to throw the ball back and forth a couple of times then he will get up with it and wants you to chase him. I do love the play time with him.
8. This one is not fun, he's not sleeping at night anymore, he wakes up and wants to be with mom and dad in our bed. When he had his ear infection, he did not feel the best and always wanted to be with mom or dad, now that's it cleared up he still feels the need. Can you say Exhaustion?
9. He hate's wearing shoes, grandma bought him his first pair of walking shoes and he HATES them. We bought him a pair of sandels as well and he pulls them off each time. He prefers to walk around barefoot.


scraphappymama said...

Happy Birthday Parker!!!! I can't believe he is one already. Isn't it crazy how fast a year goes by when you're not pregnant?!?!?!

Sunnie said...

hey jennie! look at your cute family! can you believe our babies are one? honestly where did the year go? it went by so fast! good to see you guys are doing great!

Jenn's Mommy Days said...

Jennie, I can't belive Parker is one! Our kids are just growing up so fast. Happy Birthday Parker!