Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Magnificent Seven

Christian turned 7 on July 31st, and he had his birthday at the roller rink. The kids had a lot of fun skating, and I can't believe I have a 7 year-old. We are so proud of you, Christian, and all the accomplishment you've made so far in life. Mom and Dad love you very much.

The Birthday Boy, Olivia and GarrettOur Birthday BoyThe birthday Bash, Christian and all his friends at the roller rink

Wall-E cake

Opening the presents from Grandma Faurschou and Aunt Kellie (Jen threatened me with my life if I took a photo of her since this was really early in the morning, the package came after the kids had gone to bed so, first thing in the morning they had to open it.) So I had to decapitate her.

1 comment:

Ball Family Blog said...

Okay, you guys really are getting old. I can't believe you have a seven year old.... j/k ........Happy Birthday Christian!