Friday, August 29, 2008

First Day of School

Christian started 1st grade and Brandt started kindergarten on August 25. It was a day that I have been anticipating. I was fine with Christian going back to school, he loved kindergarten he met lots of new friends and learned a lot . I remember being worried that Christian academically wasn't ready, but we had already keep him back a year and he was the tallest kid. Well to state the obvious, everything turned out okay and he was ready to be gone all day. Brandt on the other hand is my baby, well he was my baby for such a long time, and he plays the part very well. Brandt still take naps off and on. Last year he would come home from preschool and sleep and that was only 9:00 to 1:00 3 days a week. So of course my mind is thinking "how is he going to make it all day five days a week from 8:10 to when the bus drops them off at 4:10?" What will he do when he gets tired or if he just needs his quiet time or if he just needs his mommy, after all Brandt is a mommas boy. Plus I think he looks so small, well compared to christian who is tall. Anyways I wasn't ready to send Brandt off which is weird, you hear all this mom talk about how hard it is to send the 1st child off to school. Well I was OK with my first but not my second, I guess it's because Brandt always needed me more then Christian did. Christian is a very independent type of person compared to Brandt's personality. Plus I wasn't really happy about Brandt's teacher, he got the only one I didn't want. Well need less to say it was a hard Day.

Christian looking like a big boy for 1st grade(it's the only picture we took, don't you love his excitement?)

Brandt all ready for his Big Day as a Kindergartner.

Here are some observations from the days leading up to the first day of school.

We had "meet the teacher" on Friday and Brandt was happy and liking it plus he gets his new school shirt which he has been waiting for.

Brandt was worried Sunday night that he might not like his first day of kindergarten. Christian being the supportive big brother says, "Brandt, if you feel like crying, you can have your teacher call my teacher and I will come down and be with you. Will that make you feel better?" And of course Brandt said yes.

The morning of school he was so happy to wear his new shoes and outfit. He got to use his new lunchbox and backpack that he picked out, which you can pull it like a suitcase. He also said he was scared and that his tummy hurt so he wouldn't eat anything. I felt so sad to see how nervous he was, but he sure did look cute.

On the third day Brandt got a new teacher because we had to many kids in kindergarten which turned out to be a good thing. Since Brandt had commented about his teacher was she kinda mean and she yelled at us on the first day. We now have Mrs. Gresh and we are liking her. She called me that night of their first day of their new class to see if Brandt was OK. Brandt went up to her about with about 2 hours left of school and let her know that he needed to go home now, he was tired and wanted to go home to sleep. She said that she then decide to have rest time and a few students including Brandt fell a sleep.S o Brandt is loving rest time because he falls a sleep everyday for about 20min then she wakes them up to keep learning. He also seems to be meeting new friends and got a birthday invite from a kid in his new class.

Christian also had "meet your teacher" Friday night and has a couple kids from kindergarten class that are in his 1st grade class. Most exciting thing is that his best friend Kyan is in his class this year. Turns out they even sit right by each other, We both told them they better be good or they won't be sitting by each other for long. Christian was so happy to start school because he thought he new everything and he already had friends. Plus he wanted to wear his new clothes and shoes. He also got a new Star Wars back pack, and we all know how Christian loves Star Wars. So when he got home I asked him how the first day was he said that 1st grade was "easy cheesy". The second day wasn't quite so easy the thought 1st grade was hard he had to write all day long with no center time. He to is also meeting new friends and has a new little girl in his class chasing him around at recces. How cute!

Jared and I drove the kids to school and walked them to their class the first day and I picked them up. Jared gave both of the boys a blessing that morning. I think it helped because Brandt seemed to be feeling a little better before we left. I am so happy to know we have our Father in Heaven watching over us. Well they both made it through their first week of school and is happy to have a three day weekend. Christian actually remembered that from last year because he told Brandt that was the cool thing about the first week you go 5 days and get 3 days off but only the first week.

Christian in his class (kinda blurry)
Brandt in his class
Brandt getting off the bus on his second day. He couldn't wait to ride the bus

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