Monday, June 23, 2008

Sick, Sick and Sick

Well let me tell ya'll that we have been sick around here. At first it was no sleep due to a crying baby for 3 nights straight. So I took Parker to the Dr.'s and he was diagnosed with an Ear Infection in his right ear, he was given some antibiotics and we were sent home. Then Jared started not feeling good, and was really congested. Then I started to not feel well, I had a sinus infection. Jared ended up going to the Dr.'s, and so did Parker again this time it was for his left Ear, it too had an infection. So Parker ended up with double ear infection, a chest cold and to top it all off he was teething with two teeth coming in on top. It was not to much fun for me since I was down with very bad headache, from the sinus infection. Jared ended up with bronchitis and missed 3 days of work and school and didn't move from the bed and slept almost the whole 3 days. Then to top it off Christian's ear started hurting. He had swimmers ear from being in the pool every day. But he wasn't able to stay out of the water until yesterday, so he went a week with ear pain until we got some ear drops from the Dr. His last swim meet was Saturday, and it was the divisionals. He was one of the fastest swimmers for the backstroke in his age group, so he really wanted to be there. He ended up swimming even though his ear was hurting him. He was a trooper and ended up placing in the top four for two of his four events. Lets not forget about Brandt, he has been a trooper as well dealing with his sick family and staying out of the clear of the sick bug. He did however get a little cranky since we all didn't feel up to to doing much last week. So swim team was his only outing last week. So anyways we're all feeling much better now, and the between the prescriptions and Doctor's copays we've spent quite abit of $$ the past few weeks.


Brooke said...

That is such a bummer!

scraphappymama said...

sorry everyone has been sick. hope you are feeling better soon.

TeaTree Photography said...

Jared and Jennie-
What a very cute family you have!
Thank you for finding us on our blog and staying in contact. We LOVE your family! Sure will miss Jamie when we move.