Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Great Outdoors...

Parker Enjoying the Sun
We were invited to go camping with our friends this past weekend, though we weren't able to spend the night, we spent saturday with them. We went to Somerville Lake, which is about an hour and half north of Houston. The Boys had fun Swimming and Hiking.
Brandt out on the lake.
Christian's First attempt @ Smores
Jen and Parker,
Somerville Lake, Somerville, TX 2008

At night we made Smores, and the boys loved 'em. They were saddened when we had to leave, and Christian began to cry because he said "we're never going to go camping again." Though Jen and I both decided that we're going to buy a pop-up trailer because we had so much fun.


Ball Family Blog said...

Fun! I love the picture of Brandt! That's pretty high up!

Kellie said...

Awww... way cute!

Nikki said...

that is really cute! I love camping. Its a ton of work, but in the end wayyyy worth it.

The Nevada Neibaur's said...

Jenn & Hubby,
You guys have such a beautiful family. :)
Cool, your boys are on the swim team!
No, we haven't done the blog thing yet.
Jenn, you still look so pretty.
Our boys seem to like similar things.
Mine are into Star Wars and Indiana Jones too.