Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day

I always think of Memorial Day as the un-official start of summer, with Labor Day, being the End. We went to our friends house for a pool party and BBQ. The boys had a blast, Brandt only left the pool to eat and use the bathroom, He loved the diving board, we had to drag him out when we left to go home. Parker enjoyed himself, floating in the kiddie boat, and splashing. Christian loved using his snorkel to explore.

I believe I can Fly... Brandt, has no fear.

The future Jacques Cousteau

It's Perfect Cruisin' Weather.

Things that make you go "Hmmmm."

When we got home, I snapped this pic of Parker sleeping in his car seat. He looked like he was in deep thought, contemplating the perplexities of the universe.

1 comment:

deedee56 said...

CUTE,CUTE,CUTE!! I wish I was there to kiss my boys!! Dad and I had such a great time in Houston with you and Jen and the boys!! I hope we can come more often than twice a year!! Christian wants to see snow again.........maybe a trip here about Thanksgiving time??? I hope you still have coats!! Hug my babies, Love you all (y'all)!!
Mom and Grandma D