Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Long Days

Let me just tell you it's been a long couple of days. The boy's summer swim team started the end of April and that's almost every night but Sundays and Mondays, along with that I'm in charge of getting all the drinks donated for the team for our meets on Saturdays. Also, I volunteer for Christian's and Brandt's school and with the end of the year coming around the corner, there is alot of activites going on. My new church calling has also been keeping me busy, I was recently called as the Compassionate Serivce Leader in our Ward, and that has kept me on my toes! And to top it all off we've had sick kids for the past two weeks, with fever's of 102! So can we say it's just been a little crazy? Most of you may not know that Jared is gone from 8:30AM until 11:00PM, so I do alot of things solo around here. Well, good thing I am very blessed to stay home with my children and have the opportunity to get involed in a lot things. It's better than working! (well most of the time)

Brandt's first swim meet, Christian was @ home sick, so he missed the first swim meet of the year. Brandt said it was his best day ever, he loved the swim meets, but not getting up so early. (6:30AM)

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Whew, busy busy busy! Good thing your boys are so cute!